Ukraine: As It's Happening | The Moscow Times

The Moscow Times is Russia’s leading, independent English-language media outlet. Our team of Russian and English journalists provide readers across the world with breaking news, engaging stories and balanced reporting about the largest country on Earth.  We pride ourselves on adhering to the highest journalistic standards.  All editorial decisions are made independently by our team of editors and reporters, a practice that has been in place since The Moscow Times was founded in 1992.  As a result of legislation on “fake news” passed by the Russian parliament in March 2022 after the invasion of Ukraine, we have taken a series of steps to protect our staff. Until safe to do otherwise, some articles may appear without bylines or, at the discretion of editors, under a pseudonym.

About Us. The Moscow Times. Retrieved June 15, 2022, from

Ukraine As It's Happening

Ukraine war reporting

The Moscow Times