Steven Bannon is a Lit Bomb in the Mouth of American Democracy | Jennifer Senior | The Atlantic, June 6, 2022
"The chaos and the focus, the pugnacity and the enthusiasm, the
transparency and the industrial-grade bullshit. Also, the mania:
logomania, arithmomania, monomania (he’d likely cop to all of these,
especially that last one—he’s the first to say that one of the features
of his show is “wash rinse repeat”). Garden-variety hypermania (with a
generous assist from espressos). And last of all, perhaps above all
else, straight-up megalomania, which even those who profess affection
for the man can see, though it appears to be a problem only for those
who believe, as I do, that he’s attempting to insert a lit bomb into the
mouth of American democracy."
full article: American Rasputin: Steve Bannon is still scheming. And he's still a threat to democracy.
Jennifer Senior doesn't hesitate to use obscure language that required me to refer to the dictionary a lot. That might impress the Pulitzer Board and the majority of her audience but I find it off-putting. Nevertheless, this article offers a worthwhile look at Bannon and Senior's opinion of him.
- kjl